Dispatching of strains 

The Microbial Culture Collection Ex provides its strains to all institutions and individuals who have adequately equipped laboratories and the necessary knowledge. Customers can order a culture based on taxonomic or biochemical characteristics, or on applied purposes. The Microbial Culture Collection Ex also preserves type and reference strains, which are needed either for the description of new species or for the performance of standard (reference) analyses. 


When ordering pathogenic cultures, it is necessary to show identifying documents, indicating the permission to work with them. 


The strains are sent in the form of live cultures on slant agar in a test tube. 



Depositing of strains – public availability 

The Microbial Culture Collection Ex accepts deposits of all strains of fungi, bacteria, archaea and algae that have not been isolated from human tissue. We ask the depositors to provide data that are as complete as possible about the strain, by filling in the attached document, which has to be deposited before or together with any culture. 


Strains have to be sent to the Microbial Culture Collection Ex in the correct packaging. Cultures should not be contaminated with other microorganisms, mites or amebae. In case of doubt, it is necessary to inform the Microbial Culture Collection Ex personnel, who can take care of the culture purification. Strains received will be checked, and in accordance with the depositor, labeled with a Microbial Culture Collection Ex identification number. 


Depositing of strains – safe deposit

One of the tasks of the Microbial Culture Collection Ex is also long-term (over several years) storage of strains based on a confidentiality contract. These strains are available only to the depositor and they are not included in the Microbial Culture Collection Ex catalogue. To secure viability and genetic stability, they are preserved in different ways. On the demand of the depositor, viability and metabolic activity testing can be carried out. 

Together with the culture, send the completed, printed and signed form with all the requested data (link to datasheet). Send the scanned verison by e-mail to: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Download deposition form here!